The lifestyles we lead are the different personal actions that allow us to differentiate ourselves from others. In order to meet climate change emission targets and avoid dangerous, uncontrollable climate change, we will all be required to adopt more greener lifestyle which minimises the use of natural resources, the production of waste and carbon emissions and does not threaten the needs of future generations.
Reducing the Community Carbon Footprint

A Targeted Social Marketing Approach to Pro-Environmental Behavioural Change
Community-level initiatives will play a key role in meeting greenhouse gas reduction targets. This paper examines the experience gained in applying a targeted social marketing approach to foster local-scale community pro-environmental behavioural change in the City of York, UK. This involved determining the neighbourhood carbon footprint, identifying residents that had access to appropriate infrastructure and were receptive to green issues. Six community teams were recruited from the selected neighbourhoods and provided with information, advice and mentoring on how to reduce their carbon footprint over a six-month period. A statistically significant reduction in carbon emissions was achieved. Each participant achieved a mean reduction in their carbon footprint of 2.0 tonnes of CO2e/year. The largest reductions were achieved in the areas of shopping and home energy. In addition, it helped to foster community spirit. Based on the experience gained from implementing this approach, a cost-effective model of community engagement is proposed.
York Green Neighbourhood Challenge
The aim of the Challenge
was to achieve a measurable reduction in household
carbon emissions, raise public awareness of low carbon
lifestyles and foster community cohesion.
The Neigbourhood Carbon Footprint of York
The aim of the study is to determine the carbon footprint of York residents and show how this varies throughout
the city.