EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
1 February 2012 - Present
I am currently on secondment to the EC Joint Research Centre. I am based in the Sustainable Transport Unit providing policy support to the European Commission. My key activities include undertaking economic evaluation and impact assessment of European policy proposals.

Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York, UK
1998 - present (On Secondment)
I have worked for over 14 years at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) undertaking research to bridge the gap between science and policy. SEI has been recognised as the second most influential environment think at an international level. I have been based at the SEI York Centre based in the Environment at the University of York.

1995 - 1997
I was a visiting research scientist at JRC Ispra. My main tasks included providing technical support to Directorate General XI (Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection) on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of waste treatment facilities and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and research in the EU.

Lancaster University, UK
1991 - 1995
PhD in Geography (Transport and Environment)
Based in the Department of Geography, I undertaken research on transport and environment under the supervision of Prof. John Whitelegg. My thesis examined the implementation of sustainability principles in transport planning in main transport corridors, and involved a comparison between the Britain and the Netherlands.

University of Aberystwyth, UK
1990 - 1991
MSc Environmental Impact Assessment
I undertook an MSc in Environmental Impact Assessment at Aberystwyth University. I studied environmental law, EIA methodolgoies, pollution sciences and undertook student project on transport. The course involved a five-month exchange between the Unviersity of Amsterdam. My thesis examined the role of environmental auditing in local authorities.

University of Huddersfield, UK
1986 - 1990
BSc (Hons) in Human Ecology, 2 (i)
I studied for a BSc Honours Degree in Human Ecology at the then Polytechnic of Huddersfield. The course was only of its kind in the country and provided the firm foundation for work on an international level. The degree course was a four sandwich degree with one year work experience which I spent at the Environmental Rsources Unit at the University of Salford.