Achieving Better Air Quality in Sub-Saharan African Cities

Low Cost Solutions to Achieve Better Air Quality in Sub-Saharan African Cities
The study discusses the key feature of an air quality management framework. It examines the features
of emissions, modelling, monitoring and health and environmental assessment. For each component low cost tools are identified. it also reviews the policy
instruments available to achieve better air quality in SSA cities. As well as highlighting the low cost policy instruments than can be taken to reduce polluting air emissions from industrial, transport and area sources. It also examines the actions available to address transboundary air pollution and climate change.
Better Air Quality in the Cities of Africa
The Air Pollution Information Network for Africa (APINA) together with the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) hosted the Better Air Quality - Africa Workshop (BAQ-Africa) in Johannesburg, South Africa. The overall objective of the workshop was to examine the potential to build upon existing air quality related initiatives and networks in continental Africa and to develop a more strategic approach to air quality management and control. The report provides a summary of the presentations, discussions and conclusions of the workshop