Climate Gerontology
Climate change and an ageing population bring together two key policy challenges which need to be addressed to ensure a safe, secure, equitable and sustainable future.
Climate vulnerability in old age requires an understanding of exposure factors and their distribution over time and the way individuals manage or fail to mobilise social, material and public resources to protect themselves from bad outcomes.
My research has been at the forefront of analysing the connection between these two key policy issues. I undertaken the first age-related carbon footprint of the UK and held the first UK national workshop on older people and climate change.
Media Interviews
You and Yours
Today Programme
Choice Magazine
Press Coverage
“Greening the greys”: in it for the long haul? Mature Times
Over-50s leave largest carbon footprint The Daily Telegraph
Green fears are a grey matter York Press
Older people most to blame on climate Yorkshire Post
Global Ageing and Environmetnal Change
This study reviews the key issues relevant to global ageing and environmental change. It examines older people not only in terms of their vulnerability to environmental threats but also as potential contributors to environmental sustainability. An on-line survey was conducted to develop a better understanding of older people’s attitudes to the environment.
Older People and Climate Change: the case for better engagement
This report presents the case for better engagement of older people on climate change issues in particular, and environmental issues in general.
Opportunities adn Risks of Climate Change for an Ageing Population
20th Annual John K. Friesen Conference - Growing Old in Changing Climate, Vancouver, Canada
Growing Old in a Changing Climate
This report explores the vulnerability of an ageing population to the direct and indirect effects resulting from a changing climate. It discusses the key factors which might determine an individual’s ability to cope with a threat posed by climate change. It highlights the key areas which might affect the health and well-being of people in old age.
Greening the Greys: Climate Change and the Over 50s
The report examines the
carbon footprint of the over 50s in the UK and their attitudes to climate change. A survey of over 700 people aged 50 years and older in the North Yorkshire area was
undertaken to gain an understanding of
their perceptions and attitudes of climate change.