The importance of changing travel behaviour is widely recognised as being an essential element of an overall package of measures designed to solve transport problems.
Personalised travel planning is based on the principle of targeting large groups of people in specific geographical areas and working with “interested” sub-groups to bring about a move away from the car and towards more sustainable alternatives.
The Intelligent Travel project follows the personalised travel planning approach which has been implemented on a large scale in Australia and on a smaller scale in Germany and the UK.
York Intelligent Travel

Personalised Travel Planning in the City of York
The report is divided into eight chapters. Chapter 1 provides an introduction while Chapter 2 provides an overview of transport in the City of York and the context in which the project was undertaken. Chapter 3 explains the methodological approach used in recruiting participants and contacting them throughout the project period. Chapter 4 outlines the results of the study and changes in travel behaviour. Chapter 5 provides an overview of the attitudes and perceptions of the participants to travel and transport in York. Chapter 6 discusses the cost-effectiveness of the Intelligent Travel projects and compares it to similar projects. Finally, Chapter 7 discusses the lessons learnt from this pilot project and makes recommendations for the improvement of future studies. Chapter 8 provides an overall conclusion to the study.
The use of personalised social marketing to foster voluntary behaviouralchange for sustainable travel and lifestyles
Changing public attitudes and behaviour is key to achieving theUK target of a 60% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. Top-down campaigns that have provided information to a passive public have not necessarily resulted in pro-environmental behavioural change. This paper examines the use of a personalised social marketing approach to engage the public in changing their personal travel. It provides the results of a project in the City of York to foster voluntary travel behavioural change. Using face-to-face discussions, personalised information and incentives, a statistically significant reduction in car use and an increase in cycling and the use of public transport were achieved over a six month period. However, this change was not sustained 12 months later. The paper explores the contrasting perspectives on behavioural change and examines the possible lessons that can be learnt to foster voluntary behavioural change in other aspects of household consumption.